Last Friday, the 15th of September, we gathered in Venice for the TESI Final Event, hosted by Università Iuav di Venezia.
650 webinar participants, more than 9.200 interactions on social media, a Summer School with more than 60 participants among students and lecturers, 3 study visits and more than 30 ITN business partners: these are just some of the achievements of the project. Each partner presented the main outputs of the activities they were in charge of during the project in a 15-minute presentation. The topics: Assesment on Education in Social Innovation, Innovative education and training tools, study visits, webinars, summer school, Innovative Transnational Network, Administrative aspects of the Joint Master, Communication and Joint Master Plan and Structure. The day ended with an aperitif and dinner all together to celebrate the great teamwork and the excellent results achieved.
The day ended with an aperitif and dinner all together to celebrate the great teamwork and the excellent results achieved.
With the TESI Final Event in Venice behind us, we’re thrilled and very proud of our achievements and eagerly anticipate the exciting opportunities that await us on this remarkable journey starting next year!